The End of POVERTY? We Accept the Child's EXISTENCE (MONEY) – We Do NOT CREATE Poverty and the current problems Anymore
dinsdag 13 januari 2015
Why Break the System? All is here ALREADY!
Break the System on the 27th of January in the Netherlands
There is much going on with this movement. Some are saying this movement is initiated by the intelligence department, others are saying by the army. The organization claims they are a volunteer group who is fighting for freedom for all of us. They themselves say they are a political action group and they claim not to be 'left' nor 'right'. Both can be true or not. It matters not really...
We already know that ALL politics are implemented, instructed, and swear to the pope (as if the pope is God, but he is NOT of course), the Vatican!
This IS the System! This IS the reality of the NOW and You will not change nor transform this by going to The Hague.
What are you striving for, why are you going to The Hague?
The organization claims these are the 8 most important issues they fight for:
- to give the people a voice, support, and power;
- powerful and peaceful rebellion;
- reduce the increasing differences between communities by implementing basic income;
- Health Care and education should be affordable, accessible, and income-related;
-profit motive for Health Care, education, energy, water, public transport, and live rent-free;
- the ones who are responsible for the crisis on the exchange market, the real estate and banking crisis should be accused;
- the break through of our current (political and banking) system;
- stopping the media from manipulating the people.
All issues mentioned above are covered by a normal living on Earth
Equi Place is ALREADY facilitating a normal living on Earth. Start living together in the reality of the NOW and all suppression will dissolve by itself or has to transform. We do NOT need politics for this, we do NOT need a government for this. What we DO NEED is Being and Living on Earth. We DO have the power already: the power IS ours ALREADY. Start living that, start to govern yourself. Stop giving your power away to politicians and governments. You know by now who they are!
The rebellion is from within and an inner path. Existence Money dissolves all inequity and inequality between communities instant. You pay your schooling, energy, water, public transport, and housing with Existence Money. Free access to Health Care is already covered too. The current corrupt political and banking system is dissolved ALREADY. There are real news channels out there ALREADY and via internet and YouTube you can find real news too. All IS out there ALREADY for years and years now!
So why do you want to go to The Hague?
All is out there ALREADY. The 'only' thing YOU have to DO, is to choose for a normal living together on Earth and ACT upon your choice.
Are the people of the organization of Breaking the System living together with you? Probably NOT! It is most likely they are channeling your life force energy for 'the good cause'.
Are You living together with the people going to The Hague? Probably NOT! It is most likely that you WANT something from the other: that's not about living together, that's not about a normal living on earth but about tooling each other.
And the most important question and confrontation?
Are you living together with your family, your loved ones, your neighbors, your colleagues? Are you living together with (your) children: do you accept their Existence Money? Are they living together with you?
Stand for your Existence Money and accept the Existence Money of your fellow man
Travelling to The Hague you need to invest your old money in travelling expenses at least. Probably food. Drinks. Most likely you will have to pay euro 10,00 to go to The Hague? At least?
When you feel you have to go there, you must go of course. I am offering you discernment. Because by now you know ALL issues are covered ALREADY. The only thing missing is YOUR CHOICE to live in a normal way on Earth: transfer euro 10,00 to your family, your loved ones, or your fellow man and make it an exchange in equality on a reciprocal basis. Maybe there is someone in your direct neighbourhood, amongst your loved ones, who is in NEED of old money: I invite you to accept their Existence Money.
On July 25th all Platforms including Equi Place are dissolved but her awareness is STILL very much ALIVE of course.
The Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always. The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no interference, just let her BE.
In November 2015 we co-created new Platforms and new video series and provided the wonderful facilities Equi Place offered. We always are coming from the Reality of the NOW.
Are you looking for 'new' currency's?
We ARE the New Earth
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Iemand zegt dat ze waarneemt dat de elite de afgelopen 2/3jaar 60% van hun macht verloren heeft...
BeantwoordenVerwijderenOh ja?
1) Break the System was damage control: dus alles wat daaruit volgt idem... De signalen die hieruit opgepakt worden als zijnde dat er 'iets' in beweging is, zijn dus vals; 2) Bij een (groot) aantal mensen is de valse angst (angst voor 'hen) omgezet in oppervlakkige woede van 'kijk nou toch eens wat ze MIJ nog steeds aan doen?'... Deze valse angst wordt gekanaliseerd naar zogenaamde opstanden, die volldig onder controle zijn/c.q. gehouden worden... Wie van de opstanders STAAN voor hun bestaansgeld en HANDELEN daar naar?;3) 'ze' maken elkaar af? Mogelijk ja. Maar 'ze' is dichterbij dan je denkt: namelijk jouw eigen familie en vrienden. Vraag maar eens of jouw familie, c.q. vrienden willen bij dragen aan jouw bestaansgeld;
4) De Banken spelen het spelletje nog steeds sluw mee. Wist je dat bij de invoering van de euro bankiers al wisten dat de invoering tot grotere problemen zou leiden, maar dat ze er toch maar in mee gegaan zijn? Wist je dat wij de Bankiers al geïnformeerd hebben over bestaansgeld, die ze weigeren? De Bankiers zijn de 13 satanische families die elkaar al eeuwen bestrijden en daarvoor werd de strijd op een andere manier gevoerd. Voor mij wijst niets erop dat de Bankiers hun macht aan het verliezen zijn;
5) het maakt 'hen' echt NIET uit dat kinderen ziek worden en sterven als gevolg van bijvoorbeeld vaccinaties. Waar blijkt dat uit? Agenda 21 is er op gericht om meer en meer mensen in hun gezondheid en welzijn te ondermijnen. Onze regering werkt daar aan mee. Banken werken daar aan mee. Religies werken daar aan mee. Scholen werken daar aan mee...
Nee ik neem heel andere signalen waar:
BeantwoordenVerwijderenJongeren die niet meer mee willen in de gekte, staan alleen en worden voor gek verklaard. Van pillen voorzien. Etc...
Worden er inmiddels economie lessen aangeboden vanuit bestaansgeld aan de jongeren? NEE
Bieden weggeefwinkels hun producten aan voor bestaansgeld? NEE
Wordt voeding bij voedselBANKEN aangeboden voor Equi? NEE
Heeft ook maar 1 politicus die vóór basisinkomen is zelf de transitie in gang geezt door middel van bij te dragen aan bestaansgeld van zijn/haar medemens? NEE
Hebben hypotheeknemers crowd power processen in gang gezet om hun hypotheken terug te betalen aan de banken? NEE