Normal Living Together on Earth
We do not create poverty
and the current problems anymore: our money is already transformed in
Existence Money. We Accept the Child’s Existence Money. We made the inner
choice to live together with every Child. Via the Non Banking Facilitation Platform Equi Place aka Money Place you see what is left out in our living together still. I invite you to embed the Next Generations.
Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always.
The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no
interference, just let her BE.
All the money (old money that is) is already here All the money (old money that is) is already here.
When people are willing to donate old money for loans for poor children
or buy stuff by which organizations can collect old money for poor
children, when this money is in their pocket already so they are able to
donate, why not ACCEPT the EXISTENCE MONEY of the poor Child directly?
Then its not a loan but an exchange in equality on a reciprocal basis.
We simply do NOT create poverty anymore by accepting the EXISTENCE MONEY of all the Children all over the world!
We Accept their EXISTENCE MONEY. Accept their Equi (or whatever 'new' currency that works like Existence Money). Equi costs nothing. The Child creates Equi itself. Costs nothing.
We think from the New Paradigm, the New Reference Point. We are aware from the psyche of Abundance: all is already here, the only
thing missing (for all of us) is access to all that is available
already. The only thing missing was! EXISTENCE MONEY from which the Child
has direct access to its basic needs.
The good news is: EXISTENCE MONEY is already here also and is called Equi.
We Accept the Child’s EXISTENCE MONEY and do not create poverty
and the current problems anymore. No fundraising is needed for this, not
selling stuff is needed for this (the money is already in the pocket of
the once who would donate or buy stuff): but a direct exchange and sharing with the Child.
Via the Non Banking Facilitation Platform Platform you could create a Personal Account yourself. Equi Place was a non-bank educational environment. You could learn from it yourself and grow into your discernment how money works and should facilitate our living together on Earth.
We simply do NOT create poverty anymore by accepting the EXISTENCE MONEY of all the Children all over the world!
We Accept their EXISTENCE MONEY. Existence Money costs nothing. The Child creates Existence Money itself. Costs nothing.
We think from the New Paradigm, the New Reference Point. We are aware from the psyche of Abundance: all is already here, the only
thing missing (for all of us) is access to all that is available
already. The only thing missing was! EXISTENCE MONEY from which the Child
has direct access to its basic needs.
The good news is: EXISTENCE MONEY is already here also and is called Equi.
We Accept the Child's EXISTENCE MONEY and do not create poverty and the
current problems anymore. No fundraising is needed for this, not selling
stuff is needed for this (the money is already in the pocket of the
once who would donate or buy stuff): but a direct exchange and sharing
with the Child.
Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always.
The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no
interference, just let her BE.
The psyche of many
people is still not transformed. That's why so many still perceive our
living together on this beautiful spaceship Mother Earth from lack and
control and power over. Because of that questions rise like: do I have to PAY euro for Existence Money? NO you have NOT. You do not have to BUY and PAY for the transformed money. You create Existence Money yourself. With a max of 1000,00 a month
(or another amount when you live in America for example). The amount
will always be enough to get your basic needs met. You create it yourself. You Are The Value.
You are the Value. You truly are.
Nothing outside you is.
Existence Money is equivalent to Real Love. Existence Money is equivalent to a true sharing and connection. Existence Money is equivalent to a normal Being and Living on Earth. Existence Money IS the expression of this.
Existence Money does not cost anything. A Non Banking Platform facilitates a normal living together. We do not create poverty and the current problems anymore.
It's everybody's inner choice to ACCEPT the EXISTENCE MONEY of every child and their fellow man.
your Existence Money you pay your basic needs: you can pay
everything with Existence Money of course: food, the rent of your house, clothing,
and Euro or US Dollar also. Do you grasp this: you can PAY Euro or US
Dollar with Existence Money. Yes read again! You can PAY Euro of US Dollar with Existence Money. Because you can PAY your basic needs with Existene Money and access to your basic needs, is stored in Euro or US Dollar. The right focus is: does your fellowman
accept your EXISTENCE (MONEY)? Does the baker accept the Existence Money
of the Child? Does the doctor accept the Existence Money of the Child?
Does the landlord accept the Existence Money from the mother of the
I invite you to grow into your discernment Now
you know that money costs nothing: money are only numbers in a
spreadsheet. You do not have to work for your Existence Money first and
you do not have to BUY and PAY for your Existence Money. They encapsulate this profound awareness.
You have to BUY and PAY for Hugs first with Euro, but they sell it to
you as if Hugs is a means to dissolve poverty in the world. That's
totally not the case of course: compare Hugs with a voucher which you have to BUY and PAY for first. This is all about netwerk marketing (in Dutch), network marketing (in English). The under laying message is: 'Do NOT Love us, but BUY something with us calling this a lovable Hug'. This is NOT about Real Love at all. Another example of encapsulation of the New Paradigm is the Florijn. Yes you have to BUY and PAY Florijn with Eurofirst. Nothing new although they sell it to you as if Florijn is new. It is NOT! (LET's are here for years already.)
You know by now that Existence
Money costs nothing and is about our living together on our Mother
Earth and the awareness that You Are The Value, nothing outside you is
(so no gold or silver, or stocks... neither bronze or some other
precious metal): so you really need to grow into your discernment and do
not get tricked and fooled again. Learn to perceive our living
together from the psyche of Abundance, the awareness that You Are The
Value, true freedom and inter-in-dependency.
Via a Non Banking Facilitation Platform you learn what is missed in our current banking systems and it would facilitate our normal living on our Mother Earth.Once you have grown into your discernment nobody is able to trick and fool you again (and again and again).
Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always.
The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no
interference, just let her BE.
The End of POVERTY? We Accept the Child's EXISTENCE MONEY!
Save all the children, worldwide (so also in the Netherlands), from hunger!
What an organization like Novib should do... Facilitated by a Non Banking Facilitation Platform! (Please use google translate for translation in English.)
Iedereen op aarde weet nu inmiddels dat geld niets kost, dat het gewoon
een spreadsheet is, en dat je ieders niets kostend BestaansGeld dus zo
binnen alle huidige gezamenlijke euro (dollar, etc.) spreadsheets kunt
Regeringen zijn te incompetent om dit te beseffen, en
te inert om dit bewustzijn dat hen al jaren lang aangedragen wordt, toe
te passen.
Inmiddels is honger zo goed geweest om op eigen
handen en voeten van Afrika naar Nederland te kruipen en hier in het bed
van kinderen te gaan slapen. Zodat voor ieders ogen zichtbaar is wat
altijd al het bewijs was dat ‘het systeem’ puur nutteloos op aarde is:
als er ook maar 1 kind op aarde uitvalt, dan IS dit dus het openlijke
bewijs dat de ‘systemen’ er helemaal NIET zijn om ons samen leven te
faciliteren, maar juist om afscheiding te faciliteren. En ieder kind dat
buiten de boot valt is hierin het bewijs.
Er zijn helemaal
geen tekorten, en geld kost niets. Het is dus onmogelijk dat kinderen
'per ongeluk' buiten de boot vallen. Het is puur de implementatie van
'het systeem' zelf, die er voor zorgt dat dit ieders 'begin staat' op
aarde is: zorgen dat je niets hebt, zodat je je als een slaaf zult
Dit openlijke bewijs is nu volkomen voor ieders eigen
ogen tot in iedere cel van ieders eigen lichaam bevestigt: BestaansGeld
is HET bewijs dat alle 'systemen' juist moedwillig afscheiding
faciliteren en dus juist NIET samen leven faciliteren: Samen Leven
faciliteren betekent namelijk dat je ieders niets kostende BestaansGeld
faciliteert, en verder niet. Alle regeringen doen precies het
Terwijl iedereen MET geld en hypotheken en
andere leningen (wat helemaal geen leningen zijn maar extra
geld-creatie, wat deze mensen MET geld simpelweg voor zichzelf steeds
aangemaakt hebben) sinds 2008 de openbare agenda en ieders aandacht
hebben opge-eist, is de oorspronkelijke afschuwelijke fout die AL altijd
in ‘het systeem’ zat zich alleen maar verder en verder gaan leven: nog
meer kinderen die buiten de boot vallen, en dit steeds dichter bij en
dichter bij. Maar nu nog proberen mensen MET geld de openbare agenda in
beslag te nemen, met hun afschuwelijk pietluttige angsten over de waarde
van hun goud, hun geld, HUN toekomst, en met gezeur over hun rente en
dergelijke. Het is te afschuwelijk voor woorden.
Ondertussen raken mensen die al als verschoppelingen behandeld werden, NOG meer verschopt.
Inmiddels weet iedereen ook dat juist deze afschuwelijke ‘fout’ direct
te herstellen is, zonder dat dat iets kost: direct ieders niets kostend
BestaansGeld opnemen in de huidige gezamenlijke spreadsheets.
Vanuit BestaansGeld is er geen wachten meer.
Vanuit BestaansGeld zijn er dus ook geen goede doelen meer nodig.
Aangezien de regering blijft weigeren haar humane verantwoordelijkheid
te nemen, weigert om direct BestaansGeld te implementeren, kunnen
organisaties als Novib nu wereldwijd er ‘via hun huidge netwerken’ voor
zorgen dat we met alle uitgestoten kinderen op aarde direct weer normaal
samen leven. Hierin is iedere regering direct opgelost.
Hieronder wordt getoond hoe Novib (en gelijksoortige organisaties) als
een spil kan werken voor de wereld, om direct met al onze kinderen samen
te leven.
Een Non-Banking Facilitation Platform faciliteert het samen leven op aarde AL. Hierin hoeft dus niets meer te worden gedaan.
Goed, hoe bereiken we nu ieder kind dat nu volkomen leeg getrokken wordt
door de wereld om hen heen, en nu dus honger heeft? Novib kan hierin
direct een centrale rol spelen:
Omdat Novib medewerkers in (nu) hulp behoevende gebieden aanwezig zijn, kunnen zij het volgende proces begeleiden:
- Alle kinderen op aarde kunnen zelf een rekening openen.
- Novib maakt als organisatie zelf ook een specifieke rekening in een Non-Banking Facilitation Platform aan: een zogenaamde ‘openbare rekening’, waarbij zij dan hetzelfde
principe hanteren als bij het CBR voorbeeld. - Mocht je nu niet
begrijpen wat er bij de vorige 2 streepjes staat, denk dan gewoon in
termen van banken en geld zoals je het nu al kent, en weet dan dat dit
er eenvoudig staat in de vorige 2 streepjes: o Kinderen kunnen ZELF hun eigen rekening aan maken
o Mensen kunnen ZELF specifieke rekeningen aanmaken waarbij ze de
optie kunnen instellen dat de overmakingen door iedereen transparant te
zien zijn. Hiermee kan de hele wereld zelf monitoren wat er in die
rekeningen gebeurt. Dit monitoren is niet ter controlering, maar ter
facilitering. De kracht van transparantie waar er geen verborgenis nodig
is. - Novib medewerkers zetten vanuit deze openbare rekening dan
omgekeerde overschrijvingen van 1 cent klaar voor de rekeningen van kinderen die zij zelf persoonlijk kennen in de
betreffende omgevingen. Hiermee is de identificatie voor de wereld
klaar. Want als een kindje de omgekeerde overschrijving van Novib
accepteert, komt diens rekening in het openbare overzicht te staan. - Dit Novib overzicht, alle kinderen die in de openbare rekening van
Novib zich transparant laten zien, wordt natuurlijk afschuwelijk
afschuwelijk groot. - Hiermee heeft de hele wereld zicht op wat ze
al lang wist: de afschuwelijke armoede die regeringen samen met banken
moedwillig kunstmatig blijven creëren, door NIETS KOSTEND BestaansGeld
NOG STEEDS in ‘hun’ spreadsheets te weigeren. - Tegelijkertijd kan
de hele wereld zelf direct verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor het WEL
normaal samen leven met elkaar: het BestaansGeld van deze kinderen aan
nemen, als normale betalingen. En hen daarvoor bieden wat ze nodig
hebben. Eten, drinken, jouw onderwijskundig talent, jouw bouwtalent, of
gewoon euro’s, dollars. Etc. Niet het oude geld vast gaan klauwen: als
je het zelf voldoende hebt, dan kan je dat ook gewoon voor Equi
beschikbaar stellen aan kinderen waar dit nodig is. Sowieso dat geld dat
je altijd aan goede doelen gaf: laat het nu maar direct naar kinderen
zelf stromen, en vraag er hun BestaansGeld voor terug. -
Vliegtuigmaatschappijen bijvoorbeeld kunnen dus ook een openbare
rekening aan maken die ze toepassen voor organisaties die spullen
versturen naar hulpgebieden: deze kunnen dan met Equivalent Geld betalen
aan de vliegtuigmaatschappijen. En zo kan iedere organisatie dit doen.
- Mocht je niet begrijpen wat er in het vorige streepje staat, dan ben
je gewoon geen vliegtuigmaatschappij. Organisaties zelf weten prima wat
hun eigen plek is in de wereld rondom hulpbehoevende kinderen heen, en
snappen dus zelf wel degelijk dat ze simpelweg een ander betaalmiddel
kunnen accepteren: betaalmiddel dat WEL beschikbaar is voor kinderen, in
plaats van NIET, zoals iedere regering blijft volharden.
begrijpt het: de transitie is al lang gebeurd op aarde, maar niemand
leeft het. Zodra je het wel leeft, zie je en ervaar je dat een Non-Banking Platform
dit AL jaren lang had kunnen faciliteren. Maar je was zelf zo druk met ...? Geen
Wat hierboven staat over Novib, is niet anders dan met
andere omgevingen die ook ooit ontstaan zijn doordat regeringen
afscheiding faciliteren.
Aangezien je alles wat je ver af doet,
ook dichtbij kunt doen, hoef je het woord 'Novib' alleen maar te
vervangen door het woord 'Voedselbank', en je leeft gewoon in jouw eigen
land onmiddellijk samen vanuit BestaansGeld.
En ook geldt dit
voor 'bijstand': vervang het woord 'Novib' door 'Sociale dienst', en je
ziet dat de sociale dienst 1 groot wanstaltig gedrocht is. Ze hoeft
namelijk alleen maar een openbare bijstand rekening aan te maken, en we
hebben als maatschappij direct onze eigen openbare administratie hierin:
we laten zelf euro's stromen naar mensen 'in de bijstand' en vragen er
hun BestaansGeld voor terug. Bey bey miljarden kostend controle
apparaat, en bey bey alle belastingen voor bijstand.
De sociale dienst is vanuit wel samen leven dus ook direct volledig opgelost.
Natuurlijk zou dit helemaal niet nodig moeten hoeven zijn, dit werken
via een openbare rekening. Want de regering dient simpelweg
ieders niets kostend BestaansGeld direct in de huidige gezamenlijke
euro-spreadsheets op te nemen. Maar dat doen ze niet, en belasten ons
door in iedere laag van ons leven, om deze onzin dan weer te corrigeren
voor iedereen die door HEN uit de boot geduwd worden, door hen hun Niets
Kostend BestaansGeld moedwillig te blijven onthouden, omdat hun eigen
psyche 'daar nog niet aan toe is'. Zo dan.
Een land als Nederland, vol hoog opgeleide mensen ....... en er is volkomen in-ertie op samen leven. Ja, het is in en in diep triest.
Er zijn landen waar je voor minder dan 100 euro per maand kunt leven.
Dus...... doe met iemand in dat land een maandelijkse euro
uitwisseling van 100, en de persoon kan in eigen land blijven wonen. Kan
bij het eigen gezin blijven wonen.
BestaansGeld.... het is zo ontzettend eenvoudig.
In leven zijn, werkt.
In de grondwet staat dat wij allen recht op leven hebben. Dit is een totale onzin wet.
Van wie moeten we dit recht 'krijgen' dan?
Wij zijn ZelfSamen AL onze eigen Bestaans Economie, puur door samen in leven te zijn.
In de grondwet moet dus staan:
'De toegang tot het leven mag bij niemand weg geroofd worden via de
implementatie van 'een systeem met wetten over mensen heen'. Rovers die
dit soort systemen implementeren zullen altijd met onmiddellijke ingang
gestraft worden.'.
De betekenis van Rechtskracht
Rechtskracht betekent dat je je recht kunt leven, in ieder hier-en-nu.
Je hoeft haar dus niet eerst te halen, en niet eerst te bewijzen, alsof
ze nog niet van jou is. Als je haar dus toch eerst moet halen, dan
betekent dat dat je onderdrukt wordt.
Daar hoort bij, dat je van binnen godvergeme kwaad bent: woede vanuit de Bron.
The meaning of protection
A: There is a distinction in:
- offering embedding and
- offering protection
B: Experiencing Protection acknowledges the 2 areas according A in itself:
- experiencing protection from: offering embedding
- experiencing protection from: protecting something against robbery or aggression
C: Protection is:
C1 : on
C2 : off, which means that something else is protected unnatural harming
something or someone or even the whole living together on Earth... or
even more, all life on Earth.
Disturb the sound of silence in your world of old protection.
Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always.
The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no
interference, just let her BE.
Bringing creation of money under authority of our govts will transform our way of living on earth you think?
The PEOPLE of the governments are implemented, instructed, and swear to
the pope (as if the pope is God, but he is NOT of course), the Vatican!
Yes read again!
Think en re-think!
Because bringing creation of money under authority of our govts will NOT transform our way of living on earth. And by reading this article and researching into the links you now know why NOT!
Money should be a crowd power facility Creation of Money should be
under the Authority of WE the People. WE the TRANSFORMED People who live together on Earth from
Truth and Universal Natural Law that is of course, otherwise the old is
dragged into the 'New' over and over again... And we do NOT NEED that
Grow in your discernment
You have to grow into your discernment because money costs nothing. The problem is NOT that money is created out of thin air. The problem is the Money Creation MOMENT: now money is created for mortgages and loans and that has to stop immediately. The right moment to create money is our monthly Existence Money. We do not need gold backed up money or whatever to back up our true VALUE.
The Birth Certificate is a CATHOLIC
Identifying the "parson" who has authority over
CATHOLIC PROPERTY (Relics). It is NOT about any NAME. It is about
This is not about little "c" 14th
Amendment citizenship or any other political claim. The BC is a gift
from the "mother" (church) and considered a CATHOLIC BENEFICE. Once one
gets his mind out of a political premise it becomes visible. The
so-called courts are for the CATHOLIC COMMUNITY ONLY - run exclusively
by the Diocese.
The "Legal Name" fraud ( the unknowingly stolen
and copyrighted Birth Name via Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer or GIFT)
which supports Slavery by Legal ownership of the Vessel (body) and
Persona (sole or soul) by the State and the Church is perpetrated and
supported, knowingly or unknowingly by EVERY Attorney, Judge, Banker,
Hospital, Politician, Religion, Cop and BAR Member in the World. This
can and will be PROVEN in a Court of LAW. It is Illegal, Unlawful and a
Felony punishable by a sentence of 20 years to Life in prison for
knowing participants based on US 18 Criminal Code, Chapter 77.
heinous and criminal fraud is the underlying principle supporting War,
Drug Trafficking, Slave Trafficking, Disease, Pedophilia, Torture,
Genocide, the Fraudulent Fiat Monetary and Banking System and Crimes
Against Humanity on Planet Earth. It is the Greatest Ponzi Scheme Ever
Conceived by Man and 99% of the Population are the Victims of this
Money should be a crowd power facility Creation of Money should be
under the Authority of WE the People. WE the TRANSFORMED People who live together on Earth from
Truth and Universal Natural Law that is of course, otherwise the old is
dragged into the 'New' over and over again... And we do NOT NEED that
Our normal Being and Living on Earth is facilitated by a Non Banking Facilitation Platform.
Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always.
The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no
interference, just let her BE.
Create an account on the Equi Place non-bank Platform
Everyone, including the Child, can create their own Economical Value on a monthly basis: enough to get your basic needs met. This costs nothing and there is no copyright on Equi Place of course because the Platform is created under Authority of God's Law - Universal Law.
We bring money creation under authority of WE the People:
the transformed people that is, because when the psyche is not
transformed you will drag the 'old' psyche of lack and control and
division into the 'new' psyche of Abundance and Freedom and Unity.
Equi and Equi Place are in our midst since 2007
YOU innerly touched by Equi (not Equi itself but the deep profound
meaning of it in our living together on earth)? It's all about YOU! Are
YOU accepting Accept the Child's Existence Money and the Existence Money of your fellow man? Are YOU the one embedding the Next Generations?
Place is a global Platform facilitating you in creating and exchanging
your own Existence Money (Credits) and went viral in 2007. We spread the
word since then. The Platform is created by Astrid van Triet. The
awareness was unfolded by her and I and was a worldwide process of
course because we transformed all the projections from the 'old' psyche
of lack and control and gave it back to humanity transformed from the
psyche of Abundance, Freedom, and Unity.
There is no copyright on the Platform Equi Place because it is created under Authority of God's Law
Governments can forbid the use of Equi and Equi Place by making rules
and laws. But that's not to be expected since crypto currencies (like Bitcoin: they are not about Existence Money) are
accepted and National Banks have no control over non-banks and Equi
(Equi Place is a non-bank creating your digital Credits) since they are
not coins and notes. Besides people become more and more aware what
money is: only numbers in a spreadsheet. So people will no longer accept
their governments to have control over THEIR OWN VALUE or Credits.
That's why decentralize the Platform out of fear is not needed. WE as a crowd secure the Equi Place Platform.
Furthermore decentralize the Platform because to get the word out is
not needed either since we have the internet, facebook, and other social
networks for this. Equi Place and Equi are crowd power facilities and
are such from the crowd: this means the crowd has to take ownership
themselves in getting this 'work'.
Create Your Personal Equi Account
You are invited to create your Personal Equi Account
set up the account you do not need Identification as we know it: I know
you excist (we can meet via skype and webcam for example) and that's
all. You create your Credits, your Equi, IN the moment of exchange. And
you can pay with Equi everywhere where your Equi is accepted by your
fellow man.
So the implication are very very huge.
On July 25th all Platforms including Equi Place are dissolvedbut her awareness is STILL very much ALIVE of course.
Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always.
The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no
interference, just let her BE.
Your Government REFUSES to facilitate Your Living Together
Look, its already clear that our 'government' does NOT facilitate our
living together on earth. Rather they REFUSE to do so. That's called
We have informed our 'government' for years already about
Existence Money. They REFUSE to read into it. They REFUSE to do their
inner work. They didn't DO anything with the unfolded awareness except
crushing it into the old again.
What does the politicians DO, how DO
they Live Together? Are they accepting the Existence Money of their
fellow man? What's in their current program: have they integrated
Existence Money? Or are they just standing for the ones with a mortgage
and the interest they have to pay or take back from the tax agencies, or
how to save their pensions or savings in the bank?
Right it is still
about the ones who are having a good life financially: the distance
between 'the rich' and 'the poor' is becoming more and more huge. 'The
poor' are pushed out of the social systems more and more, losing their
houses, getting no welfare, etc. The current political programs are not
dissolving this distance and inequity.
The truth is that Existence Money costs nothing and is implemented within 1 day! Worldwide!
Another truth is that politicians can accept the Existence Money of
their fellow man in the Here Now! And politicians can STAND for
Existence Money for all, but they do not.
Equi is an awareness in
YOURSELF not something outside you
Its ALL about YOU! And YOU are
DOing the inner work or not. Leave the other alone, its not about the
other: its about YOU. That's all there is. YOU choose to live Equi or
not and YOU are proving YOURSELF: you can not blame someone else for the
choices YOU do not make in YOUR life.
Politics and voters are
the upkeep of each other
Politicians want to rule (they call it 'take
care for') and voters want to be ruled over: they want to be taken care
What NEED to happen is that voters STAND for what they
claim from their 'government'. Voters NEED to grow in their discernment:
all awareness is out there already.
Politicians are NOT living together. And voters are NOT either. They REFUSE to do the inner work themselves too.
Are politicians living together? Are they accepting the Existence Money of the Child and their fellow man? NO they are NOT.
Are the voters living together? Are they accepting the Existence Money
of the Child and their fellow man? NO they are NOT either.
everyone has to ask him/herself: DO I accept the Child's Existence
Money. DO I STAND for our living together on Earth. It is ALL about YOU!
Create an account on the Equi Place non-bank platform
Everyone, including the Child, can create their own economical value
on a monthly basis: enough to get your basic needs met. This costs
nothing and there is no copyright on Equi Place of course because the
platform is under authority of God's Law - Universal Law.
We bring money creation under authority of WE the People: the transformed
people that is, because when the psyche is not transformed you will drag
the 'old' psyche of lack and control and division into the 'new' psyche
of abundance and freedom and unity.
Equi and Equi Place are in our midst since 2007
Are YOU innerly touched by Equi (not Equi itself but the deep profound meaning of it in our living together on earth)? It's all about YOU! Are YOU accepting Accept the Child's Existence Money and the Existence Money of your fellow man? Are YOU the one embedding the Next Generations?
Create Your Personal Equi Account
Politicians and voters both are humans
As a human you have to do your inner work in this global transition. You can not leave this work to others. YOU have to STAND for your Living Together on Earth. YOU have to STAND for your Existence Money.
YOU have to shout for it.
Governments as we know it have to dissolve and transform in facilitators of our living together.
On July 25th all Platforms including Equi Place are dissolvedbut her awareness is STILL very much ALIVE of course.
Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always.
The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no
interference, just let her BE.
is that money is NOT the root of all evil on earth
The root of all
evil is our stolen life entrance, our free access to a piece of land and
its resources. We all know the land and its resources are robbed from
Leave money out... where will that leave us? Still our free
access to a piece of land is robbed. So nothing is transformed by
leaving money out.
But money is transformed for years already.
People are becoming more and more aware THEY themselves are the
economical value . Furthermore people more and more
comprehend that money are only numbers in a spreadsheet.
people can create those money numbers themselves IN the moment of an
exchange with a monthly max as much as we need to get our basic needs
met. That costs nothing. Existence Money costs nothing.
The focus
should be on our living together, not on the money. The software
program must facilitate our living together . The
software program is ours, not from an individual or a small group of
people. No ours and we together should embed our living together. The
ones ready to embed should embed the Next Generations and are doing that
Existence Money: enough to get your basic needs met on a
monthly basis. No transaction fee needed. This existence money flows
into the economy: the baker, the landlord,
Thinking of inflation is from the
'old'. There is no inflation when you only create money numbers you need
to get your basic needs met and with every transaction a very small
part dissolves because we are not living forever: so the numbers we
created have to dissolve as we do. You see? No inflation in here.
What needs to stop is the creation of money for mortgages and loans
And the ones having a mortgage or loan have to pay them back to the
bank. Not because they are in debt with their banks but because they are
in debt with their fellow man. Who were able to create huge money
numbers for themselves? Right 'the rich', 'the poor' were not: this
distance have to be corrected by creating 1ton numbers for every one.
The ones with a mortgage or loan have to pay it back and the others have
1 ton. When 1 ton is not enough to pay back the banks the ones with a
mortgage can take a loan with their fellow man to pay off their banks.
End of the private banks! And end of money in debt. End of inequity and
Existence Money for all (in the region) the same amount on a monthly basis. Costs nothing.
Existence Money is NEEDED as long as our free access to a piece of land
is robbed from us. When this robbery is dissolved Existence Money is
not NEEDED anymore.
So again: its not money that's the root of
all evil (yes the current old money is because its the expression of
shortage, power over, control, division, etc.). the root of all evil is
our stolen life entrance.
Leave money out... Will we be no slaves
Has the hungry child access to food then? Has the poor who are
really in need access to food and shelter then? NO they have NOT.
Because they will have no free access to a piece of land still. They
will have to WORK for their basic needs. And who are in power?
What makes us slaves? The Money? No, its our life force energy they are
after. That's why Existence Money is NEEDED: this will be the end of all
On July 25th all Platforms including Equi Place are dissolvedbut her awareness is STILL very much ALIVE of course.
Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always.
The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no
interference, just let her BE.
We provided an overview with the wonderful facilities Equi Place offered. We always are coming from the Reality of the NOW.
Thinking about 'new' currency?
you have to realize some truth about the economy and the current
'crisis'. Because what is going on in the world right now has nothing to
do with money since money is not the root of all evil. Something totally different is the cause of this all. And when you have seen this yourself, you make different choices about money. The transition is not ABOUT money but goes VIA money.
you are thinking about 'new' currency's you need to make it clear in
yourself what problem experience we have in our living together on
Earth. Is it the economy that collapses? Or is it our heart felt pain
because so many people are pushed out of the equation and living in
poverty worldwide (also in the Netherlands, the country where I am
from)? What does a 'new' currency change in all this?
Via the Academy from the New Paradigm and my websites I give clarity in this area from the new reference point:
living together costs nothing, our currency is created already for a
small selected group humans on behalf of their mortgages and 'loans'.
This can be corrected within one day... So why would we work with 'new'
Well the reality of the NOW is that the new reference point is refused still by our govts. Because of this suppression you feel the urge and longing to look into 'new' currency's.
So the real question is: how should the 'new' currency work by which it does exactly what you want it to do: we have created an overview with the wonderful facilities the Equi Place Non Banking Platform offered.
So again you have to realize some truth of what is really going on in the NOW
1) The economy is not in
trouble... so why look into alternative economy's? The economy is not in
trouble at all. There is no crisis. There is enough food, shelter,
there is an abundance of resources out there. And WE humans are here
too: we ARE the economical value. Nevertheless humans are experiencing lack, because this lack and shortage is CREATED / CAUSED by our governments.
2) Bitcoin (follow this link for more information on crypto currencies) as alternative currency? How does Bitcoin work? Is it providing Existence Money? Are humans who are promoting Bitcoin talking about the transition in
living together? Are they expressing the truth that 'money numbers' very
easily can put in a spreadsheet which costs nothing and is done within
one day? Can
and will Bitcoin (and other crypto currencies like Ethereum for example
but there are many) correct the deepest root of all collective problems
on Earth?
be able to answer this question we need to discern what the deepest root of all collective problems on Earth is. We
need to discern what the deepest
confiscation is and to me that is our stolen direct access to Earth, her
means, and each others talents due to rules and legal laws (which are
unlawful like taxes are) which are layed óver our direct organic natural
living on Earth (the deepest overlay).
doesn't correct this. Furthermore Bitcoin is controlled opposition and a
CIA tool according to my information (co-opted: and even when it was
not it doesn't correct the deepest root of all collective problems and
it would be a 'remedy' within the 'old' paradigm and its transforming
nothing): not because it is all digital and
created out of nothing because that is not the issue... The issue is
the creation moment and the workings of Bitcoin. How does Bitcoin work?
Is it providing Existence Money? Bitcoin require computers working day
and night... they need airco for this, etc... which costs huge energy...
besides they use 'heavy, complex calculating rules (the more complex
the more Bitcoin), which also costs lots of energy. And this is called
technical improvement / ingenuity... You see... Bitcoin is still 'system based' and costs lots of energy...
3) Why are humans choosing an alternative currency? What
problem experience do they want to solve? Is this an individual problem
or a collective one? And do they 'solve' it from the 'old paradigm' or
the 'new' one?
What should a 'new' currency do and when is a
'new' currency facilitating our living togetherness only without
controlling and steering it?
We already know that money is
nothing, only numbers in a spreadsheet and it costs nothing to provide
ALL humanity enough numbers to get their basic needs met including free
access to Healthcare.
So we need to look from us humans point of view, not system based.
When alternative currency's (or other solutions like a gold based currency) are created to deal
with individual financial issues within the current paradigm... nothing
is transformed, because it is not done from essence / the transformed,
healed paradigm.
When a 'new' currency is not talking from the
new healed paradigm, the new reference point, it is still from the old. When a 'new' currency is
not facilitating our living together on Earth it is still from the old.
When a 'new' currency is not human based but still system based... it is
still from the old. when a 'new' currency is not providing 'money
numbers' (Existence Money) for ALL humanity (and we can start with the
Next Generations) including free access to Healthcare it is still from
the old. (Compare the Dutch currency Florijn for example: for more insights you can follow this link which is in Dutch. Also compare the URA which is based on your labor: explanation below in comment.)
We already ARE our economical value and the money
numbers we need to get our basic needs met ARE already created out of
nothing but they do not go to us but to the rich ones on behalf of their
mortgages and 'loans'. They can create tons of money numbers for
themselves: suppose 6ton (which only a rich person can create for
him/herself, a poor one is not allowed to create this for him/herself.
Existence Money on a monthly basis is about 1000 money numbers... So
6ton money number creation at once on behalf of a mortgage or 'loan'...
how many years is this person living for free already (and still is
complaining about the interest s/he has to pay... when you do not want
to pay interest then do not go to the bank for money creation on behalf
of your mortgage).
Can you see this inequity and inequality? It is
THIS that needs to be corrected. And it can very easily and does not
cost anything. But is refused and suppressed still.
Existence Money is the correction! of the fact that direct free access to Earth,
her resources, and our talents is stolen from us. This robbery must be
corrected also.
Community Exchange Network
Here under you find a playlist in which Tim Jenkin talks about Community Exchange Network.
Firstly he explains clearly that money is something very simple and all
is made complex with no reason at all. What he makes not clear is that
we ourselves are the economical value (though he is aware of the fact
that our talents are the value, but not that we can create 'digits' /
(money)numbers, like Existence Money). But besides that... he is very
clear... and Community Exchange Network is not local... though it seems
so: people do exchange worldwide. When we could create our Existence Money within this Community Exchange Network then this is a wonderful great example to have it tangible for yourself.
What this 'new' currency does is
valuing our gifts / talents which are not always valued in the current
system / society.
But still people need 'old currency' to get their
basic needs met including access to Healthcare. This 'new system' we
have in the Netherlands and it is called LETS (local exchange): when I
listen carefully there is a difference though with LETS which is that
the currency LETS are using need to be bought with 'old currency' (euro in the Netherlands). And
what I get from this interview is that this 'new currency' is not, but
is not providing the money numbers we need to get our basic needs met.
Non Banking Facilitation Platform New Existence Money
I wish my
fellow humans could create their own 'New Existence Money' by which they
can create enough money numbers to get their basic needs met including
free access to Healthcare.
I wish my fellow humans could pay me with New Currency from their own created 'New Existence Money'.
It could be a totally new Platform or the facilities could be programmed in PayPal for example: PayPal could create the iXistence App.
Other 'new' currency's Equi was a free available (taxfree of course) means of exchange
could say 'digits' or 'coupons' or 'credits' also. The Equi currency
was facilitated by the Equi Place Non Banking Platform. This Non Banking Platform is dissolved in 2015
since a Platform only can facilitate a choice made by us humans. Via
the above link you will find an overview of wonderful facilities the
Equi Place Non Banking Platform offered.
Credit Exchange Existence Money in New Zealand.
In this article I give you the differences between the Equi Place
Platform and Credit Exchange. The Credit Exchange Platform is also
week a tribal team from New Zealand unrolled Existence Money? By this
you see: nobody possesses the Truth of Life. This Truth is in ALL of US
and WE should recognize this Truth in ourselves and then choose if WE
want to LIVE HER... or not.
Literally at the other side of our
planet in the NOW takes place what we started in the Netherlands since
2006 from Money Place (all English: Equi Place is all Dutch).
New Zealand they call it Credit eXchange, and they work on it together
in a dynamic manner. This tribal team has the inner wish and longing ánd
innerstanding to live together in a normal way. Really great. We wish
them best in taking the world along with them or even overwhelm the
Also we perceive some things which are incorrect so far
and they leave sometimes the path of Existence Money.
Getting retailers on board Credit eXchange is working with a franchise model. The franchise(taker or organization) is out there to get retailers on board (look it up on there website to read into the just information about this). A retailer needs 'old
money' to get supplies in his shop,
etc. And to me it feels like a controlling tool adopted from the OPPT cult. This part of the Credit Exchange System does not sit well to me at all. But for now I give them the benefits of trusting them they will do the 'right thing' in facilitating Humanity.
Update June 13th 2015
- The
CreditXchange website has been down for several month. We have been
receiving reports from others to this effect. I have no clue why the
website is down, because there is no explanation given on the website
nor Kiri's facebook page.
If more information becomes available we will update this post accordly.
Existence Money vs free money and (crowd)funding projects
Discern that Existence Money is NOT the same as free money. There are groups chasing (gold backed up) money like OPPT and Swiss Indo people are. Also Existence Money and contributing to the Free Existence of your fellow human has NOTHING to do with (crowd) funding projects.
Existence Money is the correction, the compensation, of the fact that our direct free access to Earth, Her resources, and our talents, is robbed from us. When we would have direct free access to Earth... Existence Money is not needed anymore.
I am very committed to a natural living togetherness, because She is the
organic living togetherness on Earth from Source Essence. I am and will
be a staunch supporter of the earth and her organic life. any thing
less. Not that many are coming from that place. I am a beholder of that
Space (and with me some others are too). That's why I see when people
are not coming from that space. I am at peace. And I long to meet you at
the other side of the bridge: I am there... Waiting... For a true Living Together on Earth...
Most (business model) solutions which are created are still IN the corrupt system.
Imagine the world... the whole world... Within this world a group of humans is becoming more aware of the huge corruption.
The analyzing is done... that's totally done... we are already moved
beyond the analyzing... so the group of humans who are becoming more
aware of the corruption / the matrix / overlay's / co-option is growing
WITHIN the image of the whole world.
So imagine the whole world
as a circle... within this circle another circle is becoming and is
growing... but is still WITHIN the corrupted world: there is NO
transition IN this group. When we talk about the current financial
system LETS is an example of a solution within the 'old', within the
current financial system. Also 'free energy devices' are a solution
within the 'old' because huge amount of 'old' money flows to a
project... but it should flow to someones Free Existence and FREEDOM
from the financial tyranny 'new technology' comes into existence: HUMANS
FIRST, not projects!
Now imagine the whole corrupted world and
the group awakened ones WITHIN this world... and a totally new circle
without the corruptions, the banks, the government, taxation, ruling
over, powering over, steering, pyramid structures, business models as we
know them, identification as we know them, boarders as we know them,
the overlay's, the co-options, etc.
Few of the awakened ones have
'moved' beyond the corrupted world into this 'new fresh circle' and are
consciously co-creating and building a totally 'New Earth' which is
already here and is lived already... by very few... so this 'New Earth'
is not growing...
The 'movement' to the New Earth IS the
transition. But this is not an outer 'movement': this 'movement' is an
inner one, you are 'moving' inner.
Contouring New Areas from Togetherness Together we can make steps beyond the transition, because we already
went into transition now at several places on earth. So now new life
area's (formerly unseen) will show themselves to us.
Grow into your discernment
I invite everyone to grow into their discernment so you become an 'expert' yourself and you for yourself are able to discern what is coming from 'Life Entrance' and what is not. A Non Banking Facilitation Platform should be all about our living together and since life entrance is stolen from us that have to be corrected: that's why 'new Existence Money' is NEEDED for all of Humanity to get our basic NEEDS met.
Money is NOT the root of all evil. However many people think it is. Yes the 'old' money is the expression of lack, division, power over, etc. But money is transformed years ago already into Existence Money which you create yourself IN the moment of exchange. The root of all evil is our stolen life entrance, our stolen access to life. Leave money out: what will be transformed then? There are so many without money! They are getting starved... etc., because access to food is occupied in money. Nobody has free access to a piece of land and its resources; that's why we NEED Existence Money in the reality of the now.
people are using internet and a mobile phone already. That's all you
need to create and exchange 'new Existence Money'. Via your mobile phone you
have access to a Non Banking Facilitation Platform when you are on your way shopping and IN the
moment of exchange you receive a mail alert that you have transferred the money numbers and to which account . When
you do not have access to internet via your mobile phone and your baker
is willing to accept your Existence Money you can make the appointment with
him to transfer the money numbers when you are at home behind your
Focus point on our living together in a normal way The focus point is on our living together in a normal way, not on the money.
we would have free access to life, to our basic needs... Existence
Money is NOT NEEDED anymore... Still we could use a means of exchange
when we want to, to facilitate bartering. Like gmail is facilitating
mailing/contacting each other.
should be a crowd power facility which facilitates us in our living
together: it should be available for free (no tax involved), no
interest, for everyone the same amount (in the area)... Existence Money is the
expression of that kind of money: you could say coupons too or
Dissolving all banks
A Non Banking Facilitation Platform is a non-bank and has the
use of computers and cell phones to create your credits (your economical value) and to do exchanges.
Since the world is used
to cash or credit/debit cards, Credit eXchange had invested in the credit card technology. They had big money to back the development of these technologies. But the techs are not an absolute necessity. Would the crowd want those techs we co-create them together.
We have the transition covered. The Equi Place aka Money Place Non Banking Facilitation Platform was all about access to your NEEDINGS: so access to Healthcare too and Life Impulses. In short: the Money Place Platform facilitates the transition in all area's of our life.
If Governments created money instead of private banks we could do away with many of our contrived social ills. When govts start doing this from awareness of course.
We have informed them but up till this day they still refuse to facilitate our living together.
Now... the truth is that we do not need govts as we know them... we are perfectly capable of governing ourselves... Even a real democracy is a 'power over and controlling system': 51% rules over 49%... and our natural living together is not about numbers.
Govts need to transform into facilitation bureaus, but up to this day they refuse to go into transition.
Truth of Life was always here, is here NOW, and will be here always.
The flexibility of Life, Life flowing in her own context, no
interference, just let her BE.